
Monday, July 29, 2013

Teeth, Crawling, Standing, Finger Foods

The boy is still growing up super fast. He has two bottom teeth and we have started to practice using a tooth brush. I still clean his teeth with a face cloth because the tooth brush mostly gets chewed at this point.

Christian is crawling all over the place. He started with a commando crawl and figured out the full crawl when we were on the island. (The same time he got teeth.) 

You can kind of see his two bottom teeth. Christian is inside the baby gate box. 

Christian also learned to pull himself up and stand everywhere. He stands in his play pen, in his crib, at the edge of the couch, and on people. Unfortunately he also tried standing in the bath, and while holding onto things that move which he is learning can cause bonks. You can't let this guy out of your site!
Standing in his play pen...
and standing on Belle! 
The boy has also started to eat small finger foods. It is fun to watch him try and pick up foods and get them in his mouth. It works best if we place it in his mouth. Then you can watch him try to chew with two little teeth and drool. He makes cute faces with the different flavours. He has tried watermelon, orange, and banana.
Finger foods are fun
Now that the boy is on the move Jonny had to install a baby gate to keep the boy out of trouble. He has baby-safed a whole little area so the boy can cruise around and play. What's next? Walking and talking? Toilet training? Good times! 
Daddy's studio is all gated up! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Auntie Baby Blankets!

So, a funny thing happened when we went over to the island and saw our family... auntie Rita pointed out that Auntie Mary's blanket was on the blog but hers, Auntie Helen's, and Auntie Linda's were not. SHAME ON ME! In honour of all the beautiful, special, and useful blankets made by my lovely aunts... Christian and I made this YouTube this morning. Thanks again for the blankets... I appreciate how much time and love was put into them. (Or how you supported the church Christmas craft fair Auntie Linda!!)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Stroller Bag and Tie Chair

She's Crafty! Stroller Bag

The boy is sitting big boy style! 
Finished stroller bag! 
Click here for full instructions

Tie Chair

I used images and this pattern to make my own travel high chair. 
Tie chair example
Another example I used
How to tie to a chair

More Food!! Month 7

Now we are feeding the boy three times a day and we are starting to add in some new flavours. 

Yam was from last month... but this is the first time he really got this messy. Yam all up in his face!