
Monday, June 21, 2021

Biggy at Gwakji Beach

 Biggy said he didn't like the beach... I had to force him to come with me. Why did we spend hours making this amazing sand city and swimming then? I think someone didn't like the beach because Daddy said he didn't like the beach. It was an awesome memory morning. Here is Biggy describing our city and then destroying it. He was sad after - he said he felt like it was all for nothing. Maybe he is growing out of his smashing snowmen and sand castles stage. Maybe, we will leave the next one and see how much is left after the tide visits it. 

Ok, so this morning, I came home from my run and Biggy was already to go to the beach. It was 6:30am and he was dressed and ready. This time we focused on the outer wall and did not destroy it. We are going to go back tomorrow morning and see what is left. The ocean was so calm today. We brought the surfboard out and Biggy paddled way out on it. We just used it like our little island and floated and played in the beautiful blue water. 
We had one last trip to Gwakji. The tide was out. 

Biggy Running at Sports Day