
Monday, November 24, 2014

One, TWO, Whistler!

This guy - the size of a locker - is TWO!
We went to Whistler for his birthday. Click to see more photos in our Adventure blog. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Christian can touch the bottom of the pool

Christian is now tall enough to touch the bottom of the pool and walk around the shallow end. 
 Here he is walking and pushing a duck floaty around. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Second Visit to the Dentist

Christian had a good check up at the dentist today. He has sixteen teeth which means he has four more on the way. He let the dentist count his teeth and clean them with a piece of gauze. That was about all he was going to sit still for. He got a couple of toys and a new toothbrush. It is time to try and start flossing - especially in between the two front teeth where it is common for young kids to get tooth decay.

Jonny and the boy on the way to the dentist. It is so nice that we can just walk down the street. 

 The dentist office reception area. 
