
Monday, June 25, 2012

Third Appointment with Dr. Spehar - 17 Weeks, 6 Days

We did not arrive 15 minutes early this time and the wait seemed 15 minutes shorter. I guess that is how we will roll with afternoon appointments - come right on time.

This appointment started the same as all the rest: pee in a cup, get weighed - (I don't want to know!) and go back to the waiting room to be called.

We got called in just before 4 for our 3:30 appointment. Dr. Spehar had JUST received an e-mail with our IPS results and our baby received a negative result for down syndrome. YAY!

I asked about the Diclectin. She said I could keep taking it but try to come off again. The morning sickness only lasts the entire pregnancy for 5% of women. It could be over now. Jonny and I decided we will try to come off of it after our road trip. I don't want to feel sick while driving or camping. I will try again when I get home. Then, if I feel sick I can just stay in bed.

Next she took my blood pressure and listened to the baby's heart. We are both healthy. Jonny recorded the heart beat. It sounds a bit staticy but it is pretty cool. Baby Heart Beat.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Diclectin Update

I stopped taking the Diclectin on Sunday. I was sick today - on Tuesday. Jonny picked up more for me at Shopper's. Thanks baby! Let's go two more weeks! I was really sleepy today. I didn't get a run or anything in... wait not true- I got a nap in! Tomorrow, will be a good day. Back in action. Fresh start. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Second Blood Test for IPS

I had a half day of school today. The sun was shining so Jonny and I walked down to Robson and Denman to our Vietnamese spot for lunch. After our favourite meal we walked to English Bay and around the C wall and back up to Burrard Street. This time I gave blood at the same place I did my urine test. 201-1160 Burrard Street. 

I didn't have to wait long at all. The technician who took my blood was nice and didn't hurt me. It was quick and easy. 

Then we walked the few blocks home down Helmcken. It is so nice living in the city and being able to  walk everywhere. It is also nice having such an awesome husband to walk everywhere with. I just hope his plantar fascitis clears up quickly. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I tried to stop the Diclectin on the night of May 30th. I did ok the 31st and then the evening of the 1st - Friday night. I puked again. I felt so sick and didn't want to admit the morning sickness wasn't over. I wanted it so bad to be finished with. I broke down and took two of my last two Diclectin and then the last one on Saturday morning. I got half a prescription again and today, Sunday, I am feeling back to normal. I will continue to take the Diclectin for a couple of more weeks and then - I will try to come off of it again. I will be feeling awesome by then. Positive power!!